Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Corrupted Hippogryph!

So. The story is that last year, in the middle of October, my boyfriend wasn't my boyfriend. He was a friend who I had come to enjoy, appreciate... A man who listened to my troubles, made me feel like everything's alright, someone I could be close to and not be afraid of being hurt. And I know pain. Relationships haven't always been kind to me, and not all of those were mistakes knowingly made on my part. It's inevitable, pain with love. But this man couldn't hurt me if he wanted.

We ended up acting like we were dating without anyone saying "hey, want to...". And it felt natural. A slow progression which ended up with us going "Wait, are we...?". Because of that, we have no idea which day is our true anniversary. When we started acting as if we were, or the day we looked back on it and went "Hey...". It was honestly the most romantic thing, not being asked upfront, but just letting things be naturally and letting everything fall into place.

And, a few months after, we realized that we really hadn't a damn clue what our anniversary date was. And, after some thinking, I picked October 21st, somewhere in the middle of all of it. And days before this year, my boyfriend asked me what card I wanted. He was considering getting me a Fel Drake, they're just so pretty. But, being new, their prices are so inflated! I told him I'd smack him for wasting that much money on a flavor of the month card. Maybe next year.

And so we talked about the hippogryphs. Out of those cards, we both have a favorite. The Corrupted Hippogryph. So...


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cloud Serpents!


Finally! I got it! I didn't farm eggs or anything, I just picked up dailies about two or three days after hitting 90. And here are two of the three Cloud Serpents! Due to my laziness with dailies (I skipped out on Golden Lotus for three days in a row... Hurr, I hate them), I'm left with only a hundred gold after buying the Blue and Golden. And I'm a day or two out of exalted with The Tillers as well... I'm going to be doing dailies for gold and nothing else at this rate! But that's okay... I've got about 700 gold after doing Golden Lotus, so I'm alright. I just have to buy my mounts very... very slowly!

I just realized that the golden dragon is like the palamino of dragons! It's so cute! That and when I was sitting there thinking to myself, "I can buy a second one. Which one should I buy? The green one?" I looked back to the dragons around the Quartermaster. "Hm. Or the Gold one..." just as I thought that, a rare spawned 20 yards away. I killed it and bought the Golden one. I can take a sign!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Reputation, Mounts, and Pets

Oh man, oh man, oh man! Not only have I not been doing personal updates, but I'd like to take note of the things happening in World of Warcraft! Note, I'm not a professional news media person. Nor am I a news media person of any sort. Most all of these things (Okay, all of them) are things I've read off of MMO-Champion, which always has its latest news article right there to the left of my posts.

Earning reputation with various factions has long been an important part to World of Warcraft and as time has gone on, we've made tweaks and changes to the system to make it more interesting and to give players access to unique items. For example, we recently hotfixed the game to apply a change to some reputation items which you can read about in our recently updated blog that allows players to purchase certain items much sooner. And we're not done!

Coming in a future patch, earning reputation is going to become much more fluid. Basically, once one of your characters has reached at least Revered reputation with a faction, all other characters on the same account will then earn reputation with the same faction at twice the rate. Going one step further, and as an added bonus, your main character who reached Revered will also begin to earn double the reputation as he or she climbs to Exalted.

Here's a simplified break down:

Any single character earns Revered reputation with a faction
All other characters on the account begin to earn double reputation for that one same faction
The Revered character earns double reputation as he or she works toward Exalted

We’ll keep you posted as this change is closer to being implemented. In the meantime, we’d love to hear your feedback!

Well! I've been thinking about how I want to handle my army of level 85 characters. Hey, don't judge, I've been playing since vanilla, I've had a lot of time to perfect the art of leveling and fail to subdue my alt-itis. With this, I think I will be putting off leveling any of my characters in Pandaria until this patch hits. A handful of my reputation farms might also be stopping on my main at Revered until this new system is implemented, depending on how long it takes and if the revered to exalted boost for the main character is going to be officially part of the new system.

This is a good thing for me because I don't want to get burned out on leveling, reputation grinding, or anything of the sort. And, with only one character on my main's server (potentially two. I'm torn between my Mage and my Shaman for who will be moving my gold to pay Kaless for the Panthers), this news puts a good lull in the game progression for me. It's hard for me to stop, back up, and just enjoy the game for what it is, but I have been! I really, really have been! Playing the same character for a month or two as my only level 90 will do me good.

The 150 mount achievement meta mount is coming in 5.1! It's a Jade Kite!

Oh my. Horde side, I'm sitting at 135 mounts without counting the two freebies of having a Horde Paladin. I'll be getting the three Cloud Serpent mounts as soon as I have the gold (+3). I've already ordered up two more Panther mounts (+2), and I am planning on buying a Red Drake soon (I've never done that. +1). That means I have 143 phantom mounts right now. Go go rep farm!

And last but not least...

A new item has been introduced that can be used to upgrade the quality of Battle Pets: Battle-stones.
Battle-stones are available in two basic types, general purpose Battle-stones that can be used to upgrade the quality of any pet, and family specific Battle-stones, which can only be used to upgrade pets of a specific pet family.
Battle-stones are available in two qualities: Flawless Battle-stones can upgrade pets directly to Rare quality, while Polished Battle-stones will upgrade a pet to Uncommon quality.
Players will have a very small chance to obtain a general purpose Flawless Battle-stone after winning a match against wild pets; defeating higher level opponents increases the chances of obtaining a stone. These valuable items are not soulbound, and can be sold on the Auction House.
Family specific Flawless Battle-stones can be found in the Sack of Pet Supplies obtained from performing Pet Trainer quests, and are Bind on Pickup.
General purpose Polished Battle-stones can be purchased for 1000 Justice Points.

For someone like me who only has an uncommon quality version of some of the rarer capture pets, or wants to boost a pet that can't be caught (Wolpertingers are Uncommon quality! How could they do that!), it'll be a wonderful change. I'm definitely going to be looking forward to adjusting some of my wonderful pets so that they're all on that epic blue stage! Equality for all pets!

Shade in the Mist!

Well. I don't even know where to begin! Other than that I've been slacking off in order to keep up in the game. To sum up my game time, I have come to hate the Golden Lotus rep grind. Yes, they give me more dailies so I can keep advancing in my reputation. But they keep giving me more dailies! Stop with the dailies! Just give me more rep for my dailies done! I do not need more to do when 2+ hours of my day alone is dailies with the handful of factions I'm playing for! And I'm not even doing all of the major raid ones off of the bat.

To start out with, I like mounts. I love mounts. Mounts are forever. Gear is not. So I have been questing towards my mounts first and foremost. The Tillers, Order of the Cloud Serpent, The Anglers, and Golden Lotus are the only people I've been working for so far! I am nearly exalted with the Order of the Cloud Serpent, so I will no longer be doing dailies for them starting tomorrow. Instead, I will add in The Klaxxi, who I have ignored for so long that they are still Neutral with me. Or maybe I won't and I will just focus on the three remaining reputations until I can drop The Tillers (2/3 through revered as of this post) as well. The Anglers, I have -just- hit Revered with today. And Golden Lotus? I'm still honored. Because I hate them. Stop giving me more dailies! At least dailies aren't required to be done every day. I can blow people off every now and then.

A friend of mine is a dumbass. I've told this to him to his face. He is a Scribe who made an epic off hand weapon and sold it to someone or traded it for a Ruby Panther. That's nice. He put it on the auction house for 25k gold. That's nice. He then told me to come and buy it off of the auction house, resulting in him getting heavily taxed. Facepalm. I told him to get me a Sapphire one next and trade it to me directly. I'll pay 25k full, he won't get taxed, and we'll both be happy. Except that by the time he could make another, the price of the Scribe fans had dropped too much. I'll be moving my gold to Moon Guard soon to pay a wonderful guildmate for the Sapphire (and eventually Onyx) Panther mounts. Until then, thanks a lot Agravar. You tried, you're a good friend.

I've also been having serious bugs with CRZ and the Netherwing. Now, I've hit exalted with the Netherwing. On other toons. Two or three other toons. I have all of them so I have no reason to grind it again. But on this toon...

That's right. That's me. On a slave drake. In Barrens. Buff and all. Not only that, I keep getting an odd sight every time I go from Teldrassil to Azuremyst of vice versa:

And to sum up my mount related news... Apart from nearly having my Blue Cloud Serpent and my new Ruby Panther, I've acquired the Dragon Turtles and can now solo Onyxia and EoE. I'll be taking my boyfriend along and we'll be trying 25 man a few times as well for achievements!

And to sum up my personal new... my Snow Cub named Snow is extremely shy and likes to hide under things. Benches. My feet. My Spectral Tiger...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Glitchcity, Outland

With Kal now going to do his Netherwing dailies for his shark dragons, I decided to tag along to tell him what the eggs look like and try to find an example one for him. Picking a random mount to fly into the zone I've only just unlocked (Am at neutral and will likely never do the quests due to owning the mounts already), I get my Vial of the Sands mount. I dragon my way in, land on the runway, and realize that with everyone aggressive, I should probably mount up and assume my orcish ways. So, I randomly get my Cenarion War Hippogryph and mount up, with no change. I fly out of the zone and back into the zone...

Well, I got it halfway right at least! And there, I saw a gnome with quite the funny looking hat!

Having enough for the day, I headed on out to do my Golden Lotus dailies. I finally got friendly after being stopped halfway through my dailies the day before due to a glitch. Well, Kal needed leather for his Booterang, so I headed into Netherstorm to skin some. Passing over the Twisting Nether, my screen did its usual freezing thanks to Cross Realm Zones. And, once I was back into the Netherstorm...

Oh well!

Monday, October 1, 2012

90 and a Mount!

Hit 90 a few days ago, and still gearing up. Every morning for the past three days I've taken a few hours out of my time to run myself and my boyfriend through heroic and regular instances for Cenarion Expedition rep. Perhaps about 6 hours worth of work later...

I also bought some Alliance Grypons, but they're not as pretty. And my boyfriend was certainly stoked. He's loving his new mount (and his druid isn't even 71, either!).

Tempest and the Virmen

One would think that a hunter, any hunter, much less this hunter would be bored with farming. And, at first, they would be proven right, for Shade was a restless soul. Even picking up a hoe and trying to wield it proved challenging at first, as her fingers honed to the finer art of stringing a bow and calloused beneath mail armor from hours of practicing her art of killing.

And yet, after her experiences with the Sha, having one come out of her, had left her shaken down to her very core. Though she hid it well, the seeds of doubt had been planted within her and swelled like a tumorous growth, slowly feeding off of her fiery spirit. Returning to more simple things that had never interested her before now proved a source of newly found comfort, and as such, she began to take time each day to tend to a patch of dirt just off of a beaten road.

Each morning, she checked the crops, harvested the abundance of food which had grown, and began anew with cleaning the soil of rocks, tilling it to keep the ground breathing. She made certain that no virmen were lurking beneath the earth, hungry for food they couldn't create but only steal, pulled weeds until her filthy bare hands ached along with her lower back. And in the end, the scent of freshly turned earth renewed her spirit and gave her hope in the rest of the day to come.

At first, her white tiger took no interest in this new activity of hers. What fun was there in tending to the earth and growing food which he could not eat? Tempest lazed around the farm, taking to sniffing at virmen holes or lazing in the fields with an ear turned towards his hunter's labors, waiting for the moment that they would be off on their next great adventure. Though he knew that this work gave her a foundation, his attention span and cravings for the hunting she had promised when they had first formed a bond didn't allow him the leisure to enjoy another's pleasure.

It was around the second or third day of the harvest that his sapphire blue eyes caught movement within the earth. Shade's back was turned at that point in time, trying to scrub her hands clean with fresh well water. Drawing himself up silently, the great tiger, born in the Jade Forest and elusive enough to evade all but the most keen-eyed of beings, stalked slowly towards these boring crops of inedible plant material. The soil nearly boiled as one of fruits of Shade's harvest began to wriggle and writhe with a newly found life. Instinctively, he reached out to tap his paw pads against this orange growth. And still, it shivered.

A low, thunderous growl escaped the feline. With starved instincts, he sank great fangs into the fruit, hoping for a mouthful of meat and blood, but none was to come. But it still fought, and too stubborn to let go, Tempest fought back. What Shade saw next was her great white tiger playing tug of war, and winning, against a virmen, which was slowly pulled out of the earth as Tempest easily overpowered the over-sized rat.

Once unearthed, the virmen quickly let go, but it was too late. Tempest lunged and had his breakfast.

Disturbed and amused at the same time, Shade forced the tiger's maw open and away from the kill, something only one of her kind could ever get away with against such a creature. Even she ran the risk of losing her hand, but it had to be done. Grabbing the thing by its tail, she gave a great swing and tossed it over the road and into a far field, away from her crops.

That day, Tempest became a great asset to guarding Shade's crops against overly large rodent men, for he was no longer left bored and wanting. Though he was given a bath more often than he would have liked, for after each lucky daily harvest, Shade would bring slightly chewed vegetables to market and didn't want to have to explain the blood stains on her white tiger.