Gondria was always my favorite of the spirit beasts before Cataclysm came out. Something about the transparent, whispy nature of a feline over my favorite build, the large, mount-style cats. And because of that, I think the recolors, Ankha and Magria are gorgeous. Blue is one of my favorite colors, so I might favor Magria a bit more, but Ankha was the common one for me.
I had a day to myself that day. Nothing was going on. No one wanted my hunter for raiding. I was uninspired to raid as anything else, so I wandered around. And who happened to be up? Ban'thalos! But that is a story for another time. Disturbed because of those events, I sit quietly over Ankha's spawn point. Naked hunters come and go... night falls. Nothing. I start working on a Naked Set for myself so I can just click it, drop down, and go. Paranoia knows that if a Survival spec hunter mounts up, flies up a little, and loads me with dots, I'm dead without my gear. Or a lock. Or a shadow priest. Or... well. You get the picture. Naked camping is not safe.
At the time, I didn't know I could mute my volume and get the alarm to go off. So, the wing flapping got annoying rather quickly. Picking out a tree, I start spinning and circling over it until I can land... dismount on the top, then mount up again. Perfect! Now I can fly away if someone starts trying to kill me. Thus, Naked Cat Tree Camping was born. Whenever anyone asked what I was doing, that would be my answer. But only when I explained it did they understand. I like making sense out of things which honestly make no sense. My flawed, flawless logic.
I almost died when Ankha spawned the first time. Damn alarm gave me a heart attack. I dropped down, hit my naked set, Deter/Tame... and got a kitty! Happy day! But what to name this new kitty? Glacier... Because the white/green coloration of the two cats reminds me of the arctic sea. A large white glacier atop of a rich blue ocean. I check the time. It's been quite a few hours since the Ban'thalos incident, so I decide it will spawn soon enough and leave my spot. I think it was four days before I finally found Magria...
Ankha. Ankha. Ankha. I cleared my cache every time and saw every gorgeous white saber a home, but it was getting tiresome. How long until Magria? How long until I finish my Hyjal spirit collection and head to the dreaded Vash'jir to face down the Nerfbat master himself, Ghostcrawler? By then, I wasn't even camping properly. I had just gotten into a raiding guild who wants me (thanks to my obsessive camping) and couldn't commit to all day/all night camping like I did with Ankha.
There was one other camper out most of the time, about then. This troll hunter who sat naked in the middle of the kite path. He never answered when I talked to him... one of those people who couldn't figure out I don't have to whisper him to talk to him... I don't get it. Anyway, I was actually just doing a fly-by to see if Ankha was up again... but no! There was a yellow dot down there, alright, but it was a big, blue, gorgeous kitty who looked oh so confused, sad, and lost. About halfway down her path, I found a good spot, hit my Naked Set, then proceeded to reunite Magria with my Ankha. Because, sometime between the third and fourth Ankha spawn, I had made up a little story in my head as to why these cats share the same spawn timer and location. Maybe they're siblings and haunt the world like lost spirits, trying to unite with each other!
And as for the name? Depth... Because Ocean would have been a bit odd. A beautiful name, but having Glacier and Ocean is a bit too obvious of a name pairing for me. The ocean depths, though... where you look around and the world is tainted in this brilliant blue color... yeah, that's a good reference to waters without being obvious. Maybe I just like to make people think... or at least ask me what's up with the insanity of my naming. About then, I was also dreading going to find Ghostcrawler.
... About then, that troll came up to me and asked if I had just tamed her. I said yes while fixing up Magria's talents. Of course, it took him a few minutes to realize I was talking in say and not whispering him. Though I had to whisper him to point it out to him... *facepalm* I gave him the time of tame... and he said he had been camping Magria for a long while now. In the wrong spot... I dragged him over to the spawn point and showed him how to camp the cats properly.
I was rewarded a week later with him trying to give me Ankha after I said I already had her. I said I had when we met... and I said so then... "Ankha's up. Do you have her?" "Yes." Fighting a boss in Firelands, Deadly Boss Mods tells him my progress. I miss my crystal time because of that -.- Damn it Baleroc and damn my habit of reading whispers. "Are you coming?" ... Really? "I just said I already have her. And please don't whisper me in the middle of a raid."
At least I later on learned that he's been helping people tame spirit beasts after I taught him about Magria, Ankha, and Ban'thalos that night. And he did try to help me get one... xD Oh well.
Let the spirit of the hunt live on in all of us! Don't shoot your fellow hunters!
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