Saturday, October 13, 2012

Cloud Serpents!


Finally! I got it! I didn't farm eggs or anything, I just picked up dailies about two or three days after hitting 90. And here are two of the three Cloud Serpents! Due to my laziness with dailies (I skipped out on Golden Lotus for three days in a row... Hurr, I hate them), I'm left with only a hundred gold after buying the Blue and Golden. And I'm a day or two out of exalted with The Tillers as well... I'm going to be doing dailies for gold and nothing else at this rate! But that's okay... I've got about 700 gold after doing Golden Lotus, so I'm alright. I just have to buy my mounts very... very slowly!

I just realized that the golden dragon is like the palamino of dragons! It's so cute! That and when I was sitting there thinking to myself, "I can buy a second one. Which one should I buy? The green one?" I looked back to the dragons around the Quartermaster. "Hm. Or the Gold one..." just as I thought that, a rare spawned 20 yards away. I killed it and bought the Golden one. I can take a sign!


  1. Eeee I'm jealous! I'm not even 90 yet, I've been so busy. xD I really can't wait to get me some cloud serpents though! When it comes to gold though I'm being very careful at the moment. I've never been fantastic at making gold so I only have 27k right now. Enough to buy one of the panther mounts from the auction house. But I'm saving it because I know I'll need it to buy all those rep mounts once I can get them!

    1. Yeah xD I've come into an issue now, spending all of that gold. I've just hit exalted with the Tillers so now I have one Cloud Serpent and two Goats to buy! Ah... I can't make gold fast enough x3 27k isn't bad, though! Just keep saving, you'll make quite a bit leveling alone! Not to mention the gold you make doing dailies each day once you do hit 90! :D But for now, I'd suggest just sitting back and enjoying the story as you level! Never thought I'd say that for WoW, but they did an amazing job!

    2. Oh I know what you mean! The story while questing is really interesting and that's coming from someone who normally hates questing so much they level completely through dungeons and battlegrounds! I've made around 3k from mining/herbing everything I see, and I'm only a bit of the way through the Valley of the Four Winds. And I have heard dailies reward a good bit. I'm so excited about all the new mounts though!

  2. They're so beautiful! Congratulations! Can't wait until I get mine =D

  3. Grats, I got mine today too! They're so beautiful and so much fun to ride!

  4. Honestly it feels like a roller coaster ride each and every time I go through a "loop". xD And I don't like coasters. Even kiddy coasters scare me! :3 But luckily, Shade has a stomach for it!
